The 9th Annual Conference of Association of Surgeons of India – Telangana State Chapter begins at Hyderabad

Hyderabad, October 2023: The three-day 9th Annual Conference of Association of Surgeons of India  Telangana State Chapter (TS ASICON); being hosted by Apollo Medical College and Apollo Health City Hyderabad; was formally inaugurated by the Chief Guest Dr Sangita Reddy, Joint Managing Director, Apollo Hospitals Group; today at JRC Convention Centre, Jubilee Hills. Guest of Honour Prof. Shiva Kant Misra, Vice-President, National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences; graced the occasion. Also present on the occasion were Dr Prashanth Gunde, President, Association of Surgeons of India, Telangana State Chapter (TS ASI); Dr Umakanth Goud, Secretary, TS ASI; Dr Pratap Varute, Honorary Secretary TS ASI; Dr L Sridhar, Organising Chairman, TS ASICON; Dr Faiz Hussain, Organising Secretary, TS ASICON; Dr Rohit Phadnis, Organising Treasurer, TS ASICON and Dr Rajnesh Reddy, Chair – Scientific, TS ASICON; were present on the occasion. Over 1000 surgeons from across Telangana, attended the Conference.

Dr Sangita Reddy said, Whatever one may achieve in life, when one goes to an operation theatre and is lying there under the light knowing that you are going to be operated and a group of people around are going to dowhatever your body needs, it’s a very different kind of a thought process and the most important aspect is that you have the trust and faith in the doctor to put yourself in his hands. It is that trust and faith is the bedrock of all development of medicine, that the patient trusts and believes in you.I appeal to doctors, as we evolve and develop, maintain that trust and faith, because that is really the essence of the healthcare. In todays world, we need to combine the online services with the physical and create this new era of medicine, so whether we are looking at Telemedicinerobotic surgery or Artificial Intelligence in the use of healthcareeach of these are evolving at a tremendous pace, I believe that the future is moving much faster than we ever thought it wouldCovid was one accelerator of this transformation, but also one of the big accelerator is truly the need of the people because surgery in all its forms plays an indispensable rolof our lives. I must also say surgery is not just a profession, it’s a calling, which comes from within themselveswhich saysI want to dedicate my life to make somebodys life better. With that thought process on this stage of evolution or change, I would juslike toreiterate number one, that Apollo Hospitals will do whatever we can to partner, will do whatever we can to institute the best of medical practices and ethics and bring that within the reach of people. The three pillars of medicine, clinical practice, teaching, so that you learn and continuouslyshare that knowledge and research are the bedrock of bringing ethical professional medicine into the day to day life. Another aspect, dont know if it is interesting or disturbing, is that of hundred students who were looking at their postgraduation only 3 or 4 students opted for tele-surgeries. Aimportant aspect of deliberation for all of us is, is it the pushfor super specialisation and therefore the general surgeons association may choose 15 or 20 surgeries which can be hyper perfected and do not need super specialisation. Because the patient is automatically saying, ok if I need something in abdomenI will go to a particular specialisation. What would be the practice of general surgery in the future, what positioning does it need, in the meanwhile how do we accelerate pace of specialised programs so that post five or ten years of general surgery the ability to do fellowships and super specialisations are still an option. Some of these modalities are something that I believe would be interesting. I conclude by saying that the future is extremely brightas mankind is so capable of dreaming and delivering equitable healthcare. Iis a very important aspect for us, because thirty years ago when we started we knew some people will get the best of healthcare and many people will be denied. We, by taking the aspects of telemedicine, universal health access, generic medication and the great number of skilled people in India, can dream of equitable healthcare, that was truly one of the important shifts in our lifetime. The second very critical one is the point of care is shifting from the large hospital to smaller locations, super speciality hospitals, clinics where non-invasive protocols are taking place and finally at the home. Recognising the fact that all of us are part of that integrated continuous care, our sole purpose should be to keep the patient healthy and not deliver episodic, sporadic surgical or illness related care, but a continued wellness focused appropriate care. That’s what peoplewill be looking for and I believe powerful and dedicated associations like all of you will lead the way making this happen.

Prof. Shiva Kant Misra said, as National Board Vice PresidentI want to acknowledge that the National Board has the largest partnership with Apollo, we have approximately 700 post graduates being trained from the Apollo Group, every year. The Apollo Group is playing a critical role in the post graduate medical education. The National Board is involved in entrance to exit exams, curriculum setting and more to produce well qualified specialists for the country. We will also focus on aspects not engaged by Medical Council of India, like establishing an E-library not only for post graduates but also for faculty members. We are organising web based E-Lectures by specialistsThere is also a mega project shaping up in a year, the National Clinical Skills Lab, which will focus on technical skills training and skilling, in addition to training in non-technical aspect. I want every general surgeon to be empowered, there was a question, why lesser number of post graduates are joining in surgery, it needs retrospection. We need to empower general surgery as an attractive and lucrative branch, which I feel is the mother of all surgeries, which is rewarding and satisfying. National Board has started quite a few two year fellowship programs, a post graduate in surgery can choose two years fellowship program in a speciality subject of his choice.

Dr Umakanth Goud said, this year we are staring Venugopal Oration for the first time. I propose hands on training for limited number of post graduates under senior surgeons in various specialities, so that they are exposed to different surgeons for a short period along with being exposedto different theatres at different hospitals. A mentor based training for post graduates will be introduced from next year onwards.

The annual conference served as a platform for deliberations on wide array of issues relevant to Surgery. The themes ranged from emerging innovations, technical advances, learning opportunities, notable cases and challenges faced in the field of Surgery. The conference served as a nurturing environment for young Surgeons to expand their knowledge, network with peers and engage with seasoned professionals to catalyze collaboration and the exchange of ideas that will shape the future of Surgery.

The first day of the annual conference was attended by 400 Postgraduates of Surgery from Across Telangana, who participated in the hands-on workshop, Paper and Poster Presentation at Apollo Institute of Medical Sciences Hyderabad.

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