Building Generation of Climate Champions: Mahindra University Joins UNESCO’s Greening Education Partnership

Hyderabad, 15th May 2024: Mahindra University announced its strategic partnership with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to become a part of the Greening Education Partnership, an initiative aimed at addressing the pressing need for climate action through education. The partnership takes a comprehensive approach by integrating climate change into existing educational systems and curricula. It will serve as a model for other institutions in India and around the world.

The Greening Education Partnership marks a significant milestone in the global effort to equip learners with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to combat the climate crisis effectively. Its mission is to equip learners of all ages with the tools needed to navigate and mitigate the challenges posed by climate change.

According to Dr. Yajulu Medury, Vice Chancellor of Mahindra University,“Education is a powerful catalyst for change, and by integrating climate education into our curricula and learning environments, we can inspire a new generation of climate champions who are equipped to drive meaningful action. Our partnership with UNESCO to become a part of the Greening Education Partnership reaffirms our dedication to equipping learners with the tools they need to address climate change head-on.”

“The Greening Education Partnership offers a unique opportunity to create a generation of climate-conscious individuals. Through innovative educational programs and community engagement initiatives, we can make a significant impact on the fight against climate change,” said Anirban Ghosh, Head of the Centre for Sustainability at Mahindra University.

The Partnership operates on four key pillars:

  • Greening Schools: Ensuring that education policies are climate-smart, school facilities are climate-proof, decision-making is inclusive, and local communities are engaged.
  • Greening Curriculum: Developing relevant and high-quality curriculum and pedagogy focused on climate change education.
  • Greening Teacher Training: Strengthening the capacity of education systems and educators to support sustainability through training and professional development.
  • Greening Communities: Promoting lifelong learning and youth-led climate action to build climate-resilient communities.

Mahindra University will actively participate in the Greening Education Partnership’s platform. This includes sharing best practices, developing innovative educational resources, and contributing to global efforts to prepare future generations for a sustainable future. The Secretariat of the Greening Education Partnership is hosted by UNESCO’s Headquarters in Paris.

About Mahindra University:

Mahindra University, Hyderabad (India) is a multi-disciplinary university. It works towards “Educating future citizens for and of a better world” and is envisioned to be a private University that will play a significant role in driving quality improvements and innovation in higher education in the coming years. Mahindra University will focus on generating new knowledge through engagement in cutting-edge research, creating a spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship, and undertaking collaborative projects with industry and other academic institutions. In 2021, Mahindra University launched the School of Management, the Indira Mahindra School of Education, and the School of Law. The University is backed by Mahindra Educational Institutions (MEI), a subsidiary of Tech Mahindra Ltd., the flagship IT company of the Mahindra Group, a US $19.4 billion industrial entity that employs in excess of 2,56,000 employees across 100 countries.

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