National Institute of Tourism & Hospitality Management (NITHM),Gachibowli Hyderabad, conducted Indira Mahila Shakthi Canteen Management Training of batch 5 (28 candidates trained) from 14th – 23rd Dec ’24. Totally 137 women have been trained so far, and SERP is expected to train another 5 batches in the coming year. This 10 Days Program is Sponsored by Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty (SERP), Panchayat Raj & Rural Development Department, Government of Telangana, Hyderabad. The program gives livelihood training to women in bulk cooking, helping and encouraging them to open their own canteens and become successful entrepreneurs. Learning for 10 days is on various menus such as Varieties of Rice, Tea Varieties, Telangana Snacks and Sweets, Basic Gravies, Biryani and Savory. Apart from their hands on practical learning, the theory learning was imparted on Hygienic practices in food handling; Menu Planning & Food Preparation; Presentation & Plating Techniques; Permits and Licenses; Pantry and Canteen Management; Food Services and also Soft Skills and Grooming.
The Valedictory Ceremony was conducted on 23rd Dec at 1pm. The opening address was given Shri. W Johnson: Director of SERP, He interacted with the women and asked them about the training program and their canteen openings in the coming month. He cleared their doubts and queries and also mentioned that the participants will need to visit their district collectors office within a week’s time. He also mentioned that the rent free space for their canteens will be granted, further the spaces are to be provided near the bus stops aswell. Chef Dr.MK Ganesh Principal I/c NITHM; NTHMs Chef A.Mahesh; Shri Shravan Project Manager Serp along with Sr. Asst. Prof. Mrs. Michelle J Francis, Training & Placement Officer from NITHM were part of the certificate distribution program. Mr. Shravan, PM Serp in his interaction mentioned that financial help is being given for the program; the use of raw materials should be quality and standard, their canteens should be maintained with hygiene standards. Food should be tasted before giving to customers. Working capital should be ready, bank loans can be obtained. Govt will give space for canteens. The batch made a very sweet gesture of buying a cake and gifts for all who helped in the training program to celebrate the season of Christmas . The closing was virtually addressed by Smt. D. Divya,IAS; CEO of SERP. addressed the trained batch wishing them success in their canteens, mentioning that they should cook food like home food. This training was given for them to learn bulk cooking should be made effective with zero error. Keeping in mind quality, taste and presentation it should be a home food feeling.Wastage should be minimal for a profiting business.The Indira Mahila Shakthi Canteen Management Training many women are being given an opportunity to become successful entrepreneurs. The program was coordinated well by Sr. Asst. Prof. Mrs. Michelle J Francis from NITHM,under the guidance of Sri Zendage Hanumant Kondiba, IAS Director of Tourism and Nithm.