Cinnamon and its active components prevent prostate cancer – NIN study

Hyderabad, 25th Aug 2023,
Cinnamon, the popular spice in Indian cuisine is known to possess several health benefits. A latest study by the ICMR-National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) demonstrated that cinnamon and its active components – cinnamaldehyde & procyanidin B2-administered orally to rats had an inhibitory effect on early-stage prostate cancer.
The study titled “Chemopreventive effect of cinnamon and its bioactive compounds in a rat model of premalignant prostate carcinogenesis” published in the international peer reviewed journal ‘Cancer Prevention Research’ aimed to assess the chemopreventive efficacy of cinnamon (CN) and its bioactive compounds (cinnamaldehyde or procyanidin B2) in vivo in male rats. As part of this study, adult rats were given cinnamon or its bioactive compounds through the diet before induction of cancer and the rats were fed for 16 weeks. It was observed that feeding cinnamon or its active compounds resulted in 60-70% of rats showing normal prostate histologically.
“We tried to decipher the probable mechanism(s) for the chemopreventive effect and observed that cinnamon and its active components could mitigate oxidative stress, decrease spread of cancer cells in the prostate gland. Interestingly, we also observed beneficial effect on bone mineral content and decrease in bone degeneration in these rats”, said Dr Ayesha Ismail, Scientist F and Head of Endocrinology Division, who led the study.
“It is encouraging to see these results about cinnamon, the humble Indian spice, which is commonly used in our cuisine. However, these outcomes warrant more detailed studies before any dietary recommendation can be made.”, said Dr Hemalatha R, Director, ICMR-NIN
Access full paper at: For details contact: Dr Ayesha Ismail – +91-9963835604

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